
Happily unfinished: My design so far

Dear Friends,

We moved into our house in March. It was craziness with rain delays and 3 different moves. First we moved out of the casita. We waited a week for the ground to dry and the driveway to be poured. Then it was safe for the big moving truck to deliver everything from the big storage facility and also, a week after that, out of the 3 smaller storage units crammed with things I had not seen in three years. 
We are settling in and things are finding their place here in our new old home.  The things that didn’t find a place were sold or given away at a rapid pace. Rapid except for the large boxes of baby clothes that I keep sifting through. There’s also a basket of shoes destined for eBay in my closet. If I can figure that all out. 
The landscaping is on hold because of more Texas spring weather. The boys are enjoying the enormous pile of dirt that was dumped here for landscaping but has instead become a nerf battle zone. This is much to Scott’s chagrin. Luke learned the value of the proper use of a Mudroom yesterday. He also learned the art of picking mud clumps out of his sea grass. It was a swell learning experience. 
We have had many sweet friends who want to visit and see how it’s all coming along. I don’t have any room that is “finished.”  I am gearing up for another phase of decorating now that summer is here. I’m excited to add some more finishing touches but I suspect I’ll never truly be finished. 
I’ve learned so much on this project. It does make me proud that I tackled the design on my own. I love everything that has been done so far and I think I may have caught the design bug.  It feeds my need to create. 
See what you think:

So now you’ve been updated. Finally. My new goal will be to do detailed posts on each room as more finishing touches go in.  But, you know…It’s summer!! We are looking forward to a lazy one. Three whole months of not doing much. We will see how that translates into keeping up with the blog. 

In the meantime, hug your loved ones and make the most of the summer. I love the new movement to make it a 1970s summer. Let’s embrace the simple things. We will be around. 
Come see us!

I wrote this post before the huge floods came to the Hill Country. I have held off posting because it just didn’t seem like the right time to talk about our home. Our house was fine even though we are on a creek.  The sweet families in Wimberley were not so lucky.  I have been in constant prayer for everyone effected by the flood but especially the McComb, Carey and Charba families.  Keep them in your prayers.  There is a gofundme account for those families in particular: McComb Carey Charba Schultz Rescue.  You can also go on barnabasconnects.org to find out ways to help others in Wimberley and Hays county.
 It is a beautiful image of Christ’s love to see how the families who were left behind speak of their loved ones.  Our Father in Heaven is the Father of mercies and the God of all comfort. 
My soul finds rest in God alone; my salvation comes from Him.  He alone is my rock and my salvation; He is my fortress, I will never be shaken.  Psalm 62:1-2

Hug your babies and make the most of your time here on God’s beautiful earth.